Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advent: Looking at the "Holidays" from a Different Perspective

How'd you like a $1 million Advent calendar? I was listening to a pod cast of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" this evening while walking the dogs. One of the questions was about an Advent calendar on sale at Harrod's in London for $1 million. Seriously? I can't find it online, but I'm guessing this isn't the sort of thing you simply put on your credit card. I mean, what would it cost to ship that?

Given that astounding example on how so many of us in Western culture see (and value) the Christmas season, this video, Advent Conspiracy Promo on YouTube, needs no explanation or extra commentary from me. Click on it and take a look. It's a good reminder of what this season is all about.

Want to learn more? Check out Advent Conspiracy on the web.

(Thanks to the Rev. Annie Thornberg for sending this link to me earlier today.)

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